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[E] wizard1012345678 [1]
[E] wizard1012345678 [1]
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over 10 years ago
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over 10 years ago
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Ok thanks mate!
over 10 years ago
Here is my 149 word essay i will answer the questions at the end one sec. I am sorry for breaking the rules. I shouldn’t have done it. I was told to stop and stupidly continued. I should have stopped and said sorry. My friend and I love this server. He isn’t banned and I would like a second chance to play with him. I will not break the rules again as I love this server and It has a great community. I am more mature now. I really think this server is cool and I want to play with my friend on it. I look forward to mining them diamonds up! Thank you for allowing me to write this essay for a second chance on this server. You are a very nice and forgiving person. I am sorry for advertising and I don’t want to do it again. I hope I can have a second chance on this server and play with my friend. 1. Do not promote servers that are not a part of minetown or eximus gaming. 2. I like this server so i won't advertise mine. Besides mine is just a small server for me and my friends now!
over 10 years ago
I got banned about a year ago.
over 10 years ago
Thanks mate!
over 10 years ago
Username:Wizard1012345678 When you were banned : I am not sure but it was a very long time ago. Person who banned you: Mynameisneil Reason you were banned:Advertising ============= I am sorry for advertising. I shouldn't have done it. It was a long time ago and i am more mature now. I would like a second chance.
over 10 years ago